Cairns FM 89.1 is the heartbeat of our community.
Cairns FM 89.1 is a not for profit community radio station established in 1985. Our licence covers the greater Cairns region, with a population of 164,536 persons as at 30 June 2017.
Cairns FM89.1 exists to give a voice to our community and to:
- Pursue the principles of Democracy, Access and Equity, especially for people and issues not adequately represented in other media and to ensure access to the media for all parts of the community.
- Promote Harmony and Diversity and contribute to an inclusive, cohesive and culturally-diverse Australian community.
- Enhance the Diversity of Programming choices available to the public through innovation and creativity and present programs that expand the variety of viewpoints broadcast in Australia.
- Support and develop local Arts and Music —community radio has become the voice of local communities.
- Demonstrate Independence in Programming, Editorial and Management decisions — Community broadcasting stations are owned and operated by not-for-profit groups. Each licensed group has open membership and democratic decision-making practices. All stations must adhere to a Code of Practice that embodies the sector’s philosophy and secures their independence.
- Increase Community Involvement in broadcasting.
We rely on our 70 + volunteers to present specialist music, arts, sports and multicultural programs 24 hours / day, 7 days a week