The Cairns region is a beautiful, tropical area that is vulnerable to natural disasters, and why we need a Cairns Emergency Plan Information.
Cairns FM 89.1 helps support our communities with information about preparing for, responding to and recovering from natural disasters. We provide tips, emergency broadcast information and broadcast support services for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Cairns FM 89.1 works directly with the Cairns Disaster Management Unit to ensure accurate, timely information.
Natural disasters can include:
- an earthquake
- a landslide
- a wildfire
- a tsunami
- a cyclone and storm surge
- floods
Would you know what to do if these happened in Cairns ?
Do you have an emergency plan for your household ?
Follow the steps below to prepare your family and house. It is a good idea to select one date every year (eg 1st October) to go through your planning and preparations. We often don’t get much notice if a disaster is about to strike, so it is important to be prepared at all times
Cairns City Council Link:
Making a Plan (Cairns Council)
Household Emergency Plan (Download)
Natural Disaster Pack (Cairns Council)
Emergency Kit Checklist (Download)
Prepare your home (Cairns Council)
Don’t forget your pets
Follow instructions issued by the authorities. People in a disaster affected area may receive an emergency alert on their mobile phones which comes from a special emergency number displayed as 4444444444. If you still have internet access, the following Facebook page will keep you up to date:
The Cairns Disaster Coordination Centre Facebook Page
The Cairns Disaster Coordination Centre Twitter Account
Cairns Regional Council Twitter Account
If you still have power : All local TV stations carry emergency updates in their regular bulletins. If a life-threatening emergency develops the Standard Emergency Warning Signal (SEWS) is activated and bulletins will replace or interrupt regular programming.
Tune in to Cairns FM89.1 to hear the latest information or ABC Far North. Listen to the stories of people who have survived a disaster and their message about the importance of being prepared and having a plan.
Hala Kattab talks about her war time experiences growing up in Jordan. From when she was seven years old, Hala remembers having to be prepared with supplies for long periods of time. Listen to Hala here
Richard Campbell, an American New Zealander, was running a ski shop in Rotorua, New Zealand, when the volcano hosting the ski field erupted. This was Mt Ruapehu in 1995. Listen to Richard here
Marcela Fischer was nine years old when an earthquake measuring 8 on the Richter scale shook Santiago, Chile. The country experiences many quakes, but this one was very strong. Listen to Marcela here
Narelle was a young girl when the 1931 earthquake hit Napier in New Zealand. Listen to Narelle here
Jane Phythian was travelling in Chile in 2010 when an earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter scale struck at 3am. She was sound asleep on the 10th floor of her hotel. Listen to Jane here
Fukushima Kids – Advice on how to deal with an emergency in case of natural disaster by children of Fukushima in Japan. In Japanese and English.
On March 11th, 2011, a magnitude 9.1 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku in Japan triggered a powerful 15-metre tsunami that disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant reactors, causing a nuclear accident.
The tsunami inundated about 560 sq km and resulted in a human death toll of about 19,000 and much damage to coastal ports and towns, with over a million buildings destroyed or partly collapsed.
Smile with Kids is a Cairns based charity organisation attempting to restore some normality to the lives of the children of Fukushima: every year, the organisation brings the children to Cairns for a few days away from their environment, allowing them to be kids, to play and learn with other kids, and share their experiences with Australian school children.
“This project began with the intent to support the children of Fukushima Japan, who have had to face the tumultuous aftermath of the 2011 earthquakes that had devastated Fukushima and its people. As local residents of Cairns, we have taken the task upon ourselves to provide children of Fukushima opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise been able to experience.
Our goal is to attempt at restoring some normality to these children’s lives, and to rekindle the inalienable joyous disposition they so deserve as children without the burden of anxiety and concern the Fukushima radiation relentlessly reminds them of. In some areas of Fukushima, the impact of radiation has become so concerning, children are simply not even allowed to step one foot outside of their own homes in fear of radiation poisoning”
Listen to 3 of these youngsters, who were only children when disaster struck, and their suggestions on how kids and their families should prepare for disaster. The first part of the message is in Japanese and this is followed by its English translation. Listen here
Cantonese Listen here
Filipino Listen here
French Listen here
Indonesian Listen here
Italian Listen here
Japanese Listen here
Mandarin Listen here
The Cairns Regional Council also has translated versions of its cyclone information leaflet: